The secret to being happy at work
Jan 27th, 2022

The secret to being happy at work

The pandemic has interfered with our day-to-day life as well as the outlook for people and businesses. It's not just our physical health that's at risk. Our mental health has also taken a toll, with the economic uncertainty, sporadic lockdowns and shift to remote working. As a result, employees the world over are feeling unprecedented levels of anxiety and stress. The challenges we faced before the pandemic if anything are greater now.  What can we personally do to boost our own resilience, manage stress, safeguard our feelings of purpose and positivity, and bring our "best selves" to work in spite of the uncertainty?

Choose a career you enjoy

We all know the famous quote by Confucius that says, “Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life.” Find a career that you are passionate about. You will definitely be motivated and excited to work in an environment or industry that you are very interested in.

Make Friends at work

Most people usually say they’d prefer to maintain a fairly amicable relationship with their colleagues but not friendship. Research however shows that people who have strong friendships at work are happier than those who don’t. So get your office bestie and see the turn your office life takes. Feeling understood and value will increase your happiness at work.

Only make promises you can keep

Do not over promise or over commit. This will have you stressed out about the consequences of under delivering or failing to meet deadlines. Instead, create a system for managing and tracking your commitments. You can use Asana to help you with this.

Avoid workplace negativity

Participating in workplace negativity will have you feeling sad even if you enjoy your job. Avoid at all costs fueling negative attitudes or behavior at work. Always find the right channels to address concerns at the workplace.

Be proactive about your personal and professional development

The safest bet you can place is on yourself. Invest in yourself.  Leverage the resources you have at work and expertise from your seniors to advance professionally. Set your own goals. Ask for feedback, ask for more responsibilities or opportunities that will accelerate your growth.

Most employers use a variety of workplace benefits to improve the happiness of their employees at work. But even without an employer providing fancy perks, it's possible for employees to create their own sense of happiness at work.

How do you or your employees ensure that you are happy at work? Share with us.


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