What is Talent Management?
Jan 21st, 2022

What is Talent Management?

Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and the planning to meet those needs. It involves attracting and retaining high-quality employees, developing their skills, and continuously motivating them to improve their performance.

Talent management consists of a combination of various human resource processes in the employee cycle. These processes are employee development, learning, engagement, recruiting, onboarding, workforce planning and employee retention.

The process starts with selecting the right people, giving them all the tools they need to be successful, and retaining them for the long term.

In order to win in talent management, you need a focused talent management strategy, apply best practices and leverage a selection of digital tools. Creating a talent strategy isn’t easy – but when done right, it can be very rewarding, resulting in a high-performing, engaged workforce.

So what are some of the key things to consider when coming up with a talent management strategy?

Company goals and objectives

Lay down specific, achievable, smart and measurable goals for your talent management process.

How to beat the competition

Come up with new, innovative and manageable ways to stay ahead of you competition.

How to track progress

Put in place ways or metrics to track progress. This will enable you to know where you need to do better in your talent management.

What to focus on

Prioritize what to focus on in your talent management. Having metrics for tracking can help you with this. You will be able to know which area needs more attention.


The primary purpose of talent management is to create a motivated workforce who will stay with your company in the long run.

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